Report LEAP Powermanagement Pilot analysis

2021 January, LEAP, Marco Verzijl, Max Amzarakov

Report: LEAP Track 1 ’Powermanagement’ Pilot analysis

The first track of LEAP was sparked by the observation that the overall electric power draw of datacenters is almost constant. This is in sharp contrast to the know variations in demand for ICT services. As a result, an investigation has been started to try to find the reason for this stable power draw as well as to try to lower the overall energy use of datacenters by introducing a more workload connected power draw. The LEAP core team mobilized a group of companies willing to take part in pilots to provide data on their current ICT environment and willing to change certain settings to measure the effect on energy use of the servers being monitored.

The following document describes the results obtained in the LEAP Track 1 ‘Power management’ Pilot analysis. This final report contains additional measurements collected to increase the overall reliability of the conclusions that are drawn. The analysis contains observations, conclusions and recommendations.